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Marine Insurance
We provide professional insurance and reinsurance services that you have never experienced from other normalized freight forwarders. CARGO INSURANCE, an essential insurance in order to complete safe cargo transportation and the ability to cope with any accidents, is a specialty of ours and can rearranged quickly and easily. Furthermore, we can answer your queries for a variety of insurances such as EXPORT GUARANTEE INSURANCE, HULL & MACHINERY INSURANCE, SHIPMENT LIABILITY INSURANCE and FIRE INSURANCE, to make sure you have the best cover.
Our Marine Insurance Team has the negotiating power and professionalism to take action against insurance companies on behalf of our customers. The collaboration between International Freight Forwarding and Marine insurance offers safe, professional and comprehensive logistics services to make sure your cargo is protected.
Cargo Insurance
화물을 운송하는 중에 생길수 있는
여러가지 위험에 대비하여 가입하는 보험
Export Guarantee Insurance
계약에 따라 물품을 수출하였으나 여러 위험으로 인해 수출대금을 회수하지 못하여 발생한 손실에 대하여
보상하는 보험
P&I Insurance
선박이 건조, 항해, 수리, 정박 중에 입는
손해를 보상하는 보험
Cargo Liability Insurance
운송사업자가 화주로부터 수탁해 운송중인 화물이
내륙 운송 기간 동안 사고로 인해 피해가 발생한 경우 이에 따른 화주의 손해를 배상하는 보험
Fire Insurance
우발적인 화재로 인하여 인명이나 재산상의 손실이
발생했을 경우 재해 복구와 보상을 위한 보험
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